Electronic Components

Case Study – A Switch to Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

Case Study – A switch to Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

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The Customer

A long-standing USA-based commercial vehicle manufacturer with a history extending over a century.

The Problem: Navigating Increasing Costs and Supply Reliability

The customer was burdened by the frequent price hikes of their original switch. These increases were occurring three times annually, posing a serious financial strain.

Faced with these unsustainable costs, the customer needed an alternative that would not only be cost-effective but also ensure consistent quality and supply reliability. They required a switch that could seamlessly integrate without disrupting their manufacturing processes.

The Solution: Lantek's Tailored Sourcing Strategy

The engagement began through a trusted connection. The buyer at the customer’s end, having worked with a Senior Account Manager from Lantek in various capacities across different organizations, reached out, confident in Lantek’s ability to provide a viable solution.

Utilizing her extensive experience and understanding of the industry, Lantek’s Senior Account Manager leveraged the specifications of the existing switch to cross-reference and identify a suitable alternative. This process involved meticulous matching of PSI, size, and other critical specifications to ensure compatibility and functionality.

The Outcome: Enhanced Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings

The alternative switch sourced by Lantek not only matched the original switch in terms of fit, form, and function but also brought a more stable and predictable pricing structure. This was evidenced by only one price increase since the start of the business relationship with the new provider, in contrast to the thrice-yearly increases of the original switch.

Beyond the immediate cost savings and stability in pricing, the new switch also provided the customer with increased supply reliability. Lantek’s ability to hold stock for up to 12 months ensured that the customer had a consistent supply of the necessary components, buffering them against market fluctuations and supply chain uncertainties.

The customer expressed high satisfaction with both the quality of service and the performance of the alternative switch. Lantek’s solution was acknowledged as instrumental in addressing their primary concerns of cost and supply reliability.

Conclusion: Lantek’s Role as a Strategic Sourcing Partner

By providing a cost-effective, reliable alternative, Lantek not only aided the customer in maintaining their production efficiency but also fortified a relationship built on trust and satisfaction.

This case study serves as a testament to Lantek’s expertise in sourcing and supplying high-quality components, tailored to the specific needs of our customers. Our approach – focusing on understanding the client’s problem, strategic sourcing, and delivering customized solutions – positions us as a trusted and reliable partner in the industry, capable of tackling a variety of challenges with efficiency and effectiveness.

Lantek’s ability to provide second-source alternatives, replacements for obsolete components, and significant cost savings showcases our expertise in addressing similar challenges faced by other businesses.

For businesses seeking reliable second-source alternatives and aiming to control costs, Lantek recommends our scheduled ordering service. This service ensures fixed pricing and stock availability for up to 12 months, protecting against price increases and availability issues.

If you are facing similar challenges in your operations or seeking reliable, cost-effective sourcing solutions, get in touch today on +1 973-579-8100 or email Our team is dedicated to providing you with customized solutions that meet your unique requirements.

Electronic Components

How to deal with electronic component obsolescence

How to deal with electronic component obsolescence

With technologies advancing at such a rapid rate, the rate of electronic component obsolescence is as high as it has ever been. OEMs have their work cut out to keep up with an industry where demand for electronic components is under increasing pressure as a result of innovation across the entire electronics industry.

Understanding the risks of obsolescence

Component obsolescence is bound to happen in time because all components have a diminishing lifespan. All components become obsolete eventually.

However, the rate of component obsolescence is increasing over time. This means the challenges facing you are growing.

Dealing with electronic component obsolescence

Now that you know obsolescence is nailed-on given a large enough timeframe, how can you deal with the challenge when you face it? Here’s some tips:

  1. Understand why obsolescence happens

The three main reasons for electronic component obsolescence include short product life cycles, innovation and increased demand.

A combination of these creates the perfect storm. A great example of this storm is with semiconductors, which are advancing at a rapid rate.

Which reasons for obsolescence will affect you the most? By understanding this, you can prepare properly for the future.

  1. If you are designing a product, look into longevity

The best defence against obsolescence is designing products that use components that are not expected to become obsolete during your product’s lifecycle.

You can assure longevity in a few ways:

  • Review the ‘Production Status’ of the component
  • Ask your supplier about component longevity
  • Look at the datasheet creation date – if it’s several years old, this could be an indication that the part may be due an upgrade sometime soon

Even when a component is due to become obsolete, it could be several years before this happens. This insight will be invaluable to your business.

  1. Get to the bottom of the type of obsolescence

If you get a notification that a component you use is becoming obsolete, take a step back and look into the reason why this is the case.

You can do this by looking at the PCN (Product Change Notification) which will provide the technical information you need.

If the component is a passive component, then there’s a good chance you will be able to source an equivalent component. If the component is an active component, you may have to upgrade to a newer component.

  1. How to deal with obsolescence when it happens

You have three options when dealing with obsolete components:

  • Equivalence – this is when you look for an equivalent component. You can cross reference many components, such as semiconductors, to find exact equivalents. You should review the datasheets to ensure cross compatibility.
  • Design – this is when you work with an OEM to manufacture a component on your behalf. It carries high cost but reduced risk because the component is unique to you. NANDs and micro-controllers are common examples.
  • Use old stock – somewhere in the world, there’s probably the component you need in storage. This is available if you can find it. An electronic component distributor is your best friend in this scenario to get the components you need.

If you are struggling to source your obsolete or hard to find electronic components Lantek is here to help. 

Contact us today.

Call: 1-973-579-8100

