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Global Electronic Component Sourcing Experts

As a leading independent distributor of electronic parts, Lantek is your premier destination for sourcing the electronic components you need.

Cost Efficient Global Sourcing

Our extensive in-stock inventory and worldwide network of over 2,000 certified suppliers enable us to locate the electronic components you require, precisely when you need them, and at a competitive market rate, ensuring the continuity of your supply chain.

Utilize our electronic component search engine to address your component shortages and gain access to our stock of over 1 billion rare and obsolete parts, as well as our extensive catalog of available components.

Global Sourcing and Quality Assurance

As an independent distributor of electronic components, our top priority is to provide the highest quality parts. Our rigorous quality and inspection program, coupled with our commitment to ongoing improvement and 30+ years of experience, ensures that the quality of our components and services consistently drives superior customer satisfaction year after year.

Whenever you procure a component through Lantek, you are protected by our One-Year Quality Guarantee, which means that if parts we provide fail to meet the manufacturer’s specification within 12 months of purchase, we will replace the parts free-of-charge or refund the original purchase price.

Why Work with Us

Quality and inspection

Our thorough inspection and quality procedures remove risks and protect your supply chain, all to give you the security you need, when ordering your electronic components from us.

Global access

Our team of global sourcing experts, reliable supply network, international offices, and worldwide distribution hubs enable us to quickly source the components you need at the most competitive market prices.

Rapid response and delivery

Our team of Account Managers will respond to your inquiry within hours, if not minutes. Upon placing your order with us, our Dispatch Team will pack and ship your electronic components the same day for items in stock.

Approved supplier network

Our global sourcing network is crucial to our success. We exclusively source components from certified vendors and consistently monitor and evaluate our suppliers to ensure we always provide top-quality electronic components.

Component Search

Enter the part number to search our component inventory.

Rapid RFQ

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Our Procurement Services

From long lead times to changed forecasts, we provide a rapid solution to your electronic component shortages.

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