Lantek Services

As one of the largest independent electronic component distributors in the world, Lantek Corporation is able to offer the following specialist services:

Fast Component Search

Our easy-to-use fast component search tool will help you find the components you need quickly. Enter your part number and we will do the rest!

Electronic Components Distributor

Lantek Corporation distributes and stocks top quality electronic components. We offer a number of services including obsolete components and passive components.

Excess Inventory Management

Lantek Corporation has a division dedicated to solving problems relating to excess, obsolete, EOL, and slow-moving electronic component inventories. Turn those old parts into a positive business asset with our help. Visit to know more

Scheduled Ordering

Our stock holding facilities allow you to schedule your orders to save time, money, and valuable warehouse space. Take control of your production line with our Scheduling Service.


We have a whole host of useful material, industry information and essential reading for you to download.