Anti-Counterfeiting & Traceability

Lantek has developed a unique set of procedures and techniques for the authentication of electronic components. This is to minimize the risk of counterfeit parts entering the supply chain.

As well as monitoring approved suppliers. Our inspection process and policy procedures will provide you with quality products and will help safeguard against counterfeiters and defective parts. We offer expert sourcing and quality assured supply process.

We have invested significantly in our quality procedures and constantly monitor our global procurement network. This is to ensure that only authorized parts will enter your supply chain. All purchasing is done centrally. Something that enables us to monitor all electronic components and gives us the chance to implement greater safety and quality control checks.

Our highly trained and ESD-qualified staff visually inspect electronic component items upon arrival. Ensuring quality is of the highest standard. And, we also have access to several anti-counterfeiting technologies available including die testing, and decapsulation testing.

Visual Component Testing

  • Visual Component Body & Lead Testing
  • Digital Micrometer Testing
  • Marking Permanency Tests
  • High-Resolution Digital Photography
Anti-counterfeiting & traceability

Decapsulation Testing

This new machine allows us to really get into the component to see if the compound die is correct – this is the only way to know if the parts are original.  And as it doesn’t use any acids or lasers it is very eco-friendly and safe to use.

Lantek can perform a component analysis for any OEM or CEM and provide you with photographs and documented results. 

Our testing service can help guard against counterfeiters and defective parts. If further electronics testing is needed we will outsource this.