The US Trade Representative’s Office has announced that increased tariffs on imports from China will begin to take effect on August 1st, 2024 with the tariffs on semiconductors rising from 25% to 50% on January 1st, 2025. These changes will significantly impact the pricing of other industries as well, including electric vehicle batteries and medical products. As the country prepares for these changes, manufacturers should plan ahead.

Secure Your Components Now to Avoid Price Increases

Lantek Corporation is here to help you navigate these tariff increases. We can offer solutions to secure your components at current prices before the tariffs take effect. Here’s how you will benefit:

Bulk Purchasing: Place your order for a year’s supply based on your Estimated Annual Usage (EAU). Lantek will buy the full quantity on your behalf.

Pre-Tariff Shipping: We will arrange for the entire quantity to be shipped into the country ahead of the tariff increases, ensuring you avoid the higher prices.

Warehousing and Scheduled Shipments: Lantek will store your purchased stock and release it in smaller shipments according to your schedule and call-offs.

Optimized Cash Flow: To maximize your cash flow, we will only invoice you for each component shipment, not the full order.

This proactive approach allows you to lock in today’s pricing for an extended period of time, and avoid the financial strain of the upcoming tariff increases.

Take Action Today

Don’t wait until the tariffs take effect. Secure your components now and safeguard your business against the impending price hikes. Contact Lantek Corporation today to discuss our scheduled ordering services or to place your order. Alternatively, you can use the fast component search on our website.

By planning ahead, you can ensure your business continues to thrive despite the changing economic landscape. Let Lantek Corporation support you with our expertise and resources.